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Libby Holds Management: Managing Your Libby Holds

What is holds deliver later?

Hold redelivery is replacing automatic checkout to give you more control over your holds. When you don't have time to read a hold it can go to the next person who does. You'll suspend the hold and keep your place on the waitlist. Hold redelivery is live now.

How does it work?

You'll choose whether to borrow, suspend, or cancel your available holds.

After receiving notification that a hold is available, you can:

  1. Borrow the title within 3 days.
  2. Suspend the hold by selecting “deliver later.” This option passes the book to the next person in line while keeping your place on the waitlist. You'll set the suspension period, and can borrow the book when the next copy is available.
  3. Cancel the hold.

If you take no action, your hold will automatically be suspended as a one-time courtesy for 7 days. If no action is taken a second time, your hold will be canceled.

Do you use the Libby app?

Libby notifications will alert you when your holds become available.

Do you use the OverDrive app or website?

OverDrive is adding a “Notifications” section to the OverDrive website and app.

Deliver Later

Managing Your Libby Holds

Image 1

Place This Item on Hold

Image 2

Suspend Your Hold

Image 3

Using the Slider Suspend Your Hold for up to 180 days

image 4

Your Hold is Confirmed as Suspended for 13 Days

Image 6

Motify the Suspend Hold from Your Shelf

To Activate Your Hold Push the Slider to the Left

Image 8

Confirmation That Your Hold is Active