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Exhibits: Current Exhibits

Current Exhibit

Alan Cohen and Annette Wallach Cohen

December 2, 2024 through January 14, 2025
Artist Reception: Saturday, December 7, 2024 @ 2:00 p.m.

 Eclectic is a photography show created by Alan and Annette Cohen.  They work separately, and at times together.  The work stands apart from traditional photography; it goes well beyond the camera into more contemporary modalities.  It's eclectic, in that post-production work flow extends into a very wide range of possibilities, which offer unlimited creative possibilities.


Currently Exhibit in the Glass Display Cases on the 2nd Floor at the Greenburgh Public Library

Cristina de Oliveira-Wandl
Masterpieces of Mosaic
December 9, 2024- January 31, 2025

Cristina is a self-taught mosaic artist.  Using a mix of materials such as glass, stone, wood, and more she creates vibrant colorful works of art that are both beautiful and useful.  Each piece is handcrafted.  She enjoys exploring new places and cultures all around the world and incorporates what she sees and learns into her artwork.  One of the most impressive works of mosaic art Cristina has ever seen was Gaudi's masterpiece in Barcelona.


Photos From Past Exhibits

Dianne Ricard

Local Greenburgh Artist, Dianne and her Jewelry February - March 2017

Diddy Gomerman

Local Artist, Diddy and her Jewelry December - January 2017-2018

Joyce Schenker

Local Greenburgh Collector, Joyce and her 1930s Popsicle Art Work April - May 2017

Yvette Jones

Local Greenburgh Artist, Yvette and her Jewelry of Chick Designs May - June 2018

Richard Cox

Local Greenburgh Collector, Richard, President of Unity Numismatic - African Money and African American Memorabilia February 2018; February 2016

Gina Bratter

Local Artist, Gina with her Bowls and Recycled Paper Art exhibit  March-April 2018

Master Zhao Xi-Hua

Local Visiting Artist, Master Zhao with his Chinese Brush Painting small works  October - November 2017

Scott Nammacher

Local Artist, Scott with his Astral Photography  August - September 2016

Barry Mason

Local Artist, Barry describing his Paintings and Sculptural Painting Work  January - March 2015

Karen Ann Sullivan

For The Love Of Birds - Wildlife Photography August - September 2018

Karin Reetz

Local Artist, Karin and her Book Art  October - November 2016

Mary Parker

Local Artist, Mary explaining her Hook Rug Art process  December 2014 - January 2015

Elinor Stecher-Orel

Book Art  July - August 2018

Ariadne Pilarinos

Local Artist, Ariadne with her Acrylic Paintings  - Twelve Tangents August - September 2017

Philip Holt and Alan Landzberg

Local Artists Philip and Alan celebrate their combined exhibit of Digital Steel Sculputure and Family Portraits  December 2016 - January 2017

Barbara Glab

Quilts March - April 2018

David Brown

Formerly from Greenburgh Artist, David with his Photographs  January - March 2017

Anne Myers-Stewart

"Upcycled Bottle" Up Close  May - June 2019

Marina Payne and Cristina Ramos-Payne

ARC Of The Moral Universe: A Notebook Project   January - February 2020

Marina Payne

Marina is a contributing Artist for the ARC of the Moral Universe: A Notebook Project  January - February 2020

Cristina Ramos-Payne

Cristina is a contributing Artist for the ARC of the Moral Universe: A Notebook Project  January - February 2020