What can be transferred?
- VHS Cassettes
- VHS-C Cassettes (patron must provide the VHS-C adapter)
General Policies
- You must have a valid adult library card from a Westchester Library System participating library.
- You must bring in your own storage device (flash drive, external hard drive, cloud storage).
- The equipment will be checked-out to your library card while you use it. You are responsible for your own as well as the library's equipment while you're using it. The Library is not responsible for lost or damaged equipment.
- GPL staff will provide the digital conversion equipment, but the Library does not assist with the conversion process. Patrons must also bring in their own storage device for their files.
- The digital conversion process takes place in real time. For example: if your tape or record runs 20 minutes, it will take 20 minutes for it to be digitized.