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Local History

Town of Greenburgh Veterans Interviews

The following collection are living history interviews with over 150 Greenburgh veterans of World War II and the Korean conflict and War. The interviews were produced by former Greenburgh resident Alan Hochberg and former resident and Vietnam veteran Steve Wittenberg.

In recent years, Hugh McAuley and the Greenburgh Veterans Advisory Committee conducted additional interviews. 

Sadly, many of the veterans who were interviewed have passed away. These interviews will enable future generations to never forget the role local residents had in preserving our democracy.


Town of Greenburgh 9/11 Stories

The following collection are interviews with Greenburgh residents regarding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, recorded by Cable Access TV on Demand from the Town of Greenburgh in September 2021.

The 9/11 Greenburgh stories highlight the experiences of residents on September 11, 2001. Some of the people who have been interviewed include first responders, those at Ground Zero during the tragedy, and members of community who lost family and friends. 

Interviews with the following residents:

  • Michael Adair, Mark Baron, Andre Belarge, Tim Barry, Bruce Ginsberg, Anthony Gentile, Norman Gaines Jr, Mark Drozdov, Jim Drumm, Roger Chiascione, Jodi Hirschman, Burt Hurvich, Adam Hutter, Harry Waizer, Kevin Lustyik, Richard Lewenson, John Lindner, Marvin Winn.

The African Diaspora Experience: Living Narratives of Greenburgh Residents

The African Diaspora Experience:
Living Narratives of Greenburgh Residents

Click here for videos The African Diaspora Experience: Living Narratives of Greenburgh Residents

The Town of Greenburgh has created an archive of stories showcasing the struggles, challenges, and successes of the local African American community over the past two centuries. The website, produced by Krista Madsen, features contributions from various sources, including articles by volunteer historians Riley Wentzler and Felicia Barber, videos by Cable Access TV director Janelle Wallace, and interviews by Senior Services Coordinator Tina Harper.

If you have a story or know someone with an interesting life story in Greenburgh, please share by emailing, including photos if available.